Sizzlin' Summer Reads

Summer is officially here and with the hot weather what better way to beat the heat than to slip into a good book. So whether you are off to the beach, river, or just trying to stay cool in your own home, enjoy any one (or more than one) of our recommended summer reads on the list below.

Campfire Stories of Western Canada By Barbara Smith $12.95 CAD

Home on the Strange: Chronicles of Motherhood, Mayhem, and Matters of the Heart By Susan Lundy $22.95 CAD

Explore the Eelgrass Meadow with Sam and Crystal By Gloria Snively Illustrated by Karen Gillmore $22.95 CAD

The Survival Guide to British Columbia By Ian Ferguson $19.95

On the Rocks with Jack Knox: Islanders I Will Never Forget By Jack Knox $19.95 CAD

Complicated Simplicity: Island Life in the Pacific Northwest By Joy Davis $22.95 CAD

The Codfish Dream: Chronicles of a West Coast Fishing Guide AND Gilly the Ghillie: More Chronicles of a West Coast Fishing Guide By David Giblin $19.95 CAD (each)