Book Details
"Fruitful efforts to save Earth and its creatures begin with individuals, Harrington illustrates . . . Raising awareness to increase the natural connections between people and their land, Voices for the Islands is an educational text."
—Foreword Reviews
"When the right author, a person with immense credibility, takes on a communal history project like this, the resulting book resonates with a great many other readers, no matter where they might live in BC or far beyond our Canadian border . . . In a nutshell, [Voices for the Islands] is an inspiring account of democracy and decentralization in action."
—BC BookWorld, reviewed by Caroline Woodward
“In Voices for the Islands, Sheila Harrington chronicles the legacy of the many dedicated, local activists who worked for over fifty years to build the land trusts, conservancies, and precious wild sanctuaries that now safeguard the very soul of BC’s Gulf Islands. She documents what these nature heroes did against daunting odds, employing land covenants, scientific research, innovative fund-raising, and effective advocacy, to save nature from development. As such, she also provides a how-to guide. This is an impressive, engaging book. I highly recommend it. If you care about passing nature onward, Voices for the Islands is a must-read that I suspect may inspire you too to join the action.”
—Ric Careless OBC, founding member of the Sierra Club of BC and BC Parks Foundation
“As a sailor, I have had the privilege of visiting every one of the islands in this book and hiked many trails in the parks and protected areas. Each Gulf Island holds a distinct beauty where orange Arbutus trees reach for the sun off rocky cliffs while towering Douglas fir support Bald Eagles in their treetop nests. Orca, humpback whales and seals wander the deep waters. It is a delight to follow in the wake of fellow sailor Sheila Harrington as she meets the people and organizations that have fought tirelessly to preserve these unique ecosystems for future generations to enjoy.”
—Bob McDonald OC, author, journalist, and host of CBC’s Quirks & Quarks
“At last, a Good New Story. This book details the ongoing successful battles to preserve the natural spaces on the treasured Islands of the Salish Sea. Engagingly written, part chronology, part inspiration and part guide for the future. It details the battles and sacrifices of the many dedicated crusaders for Mother Gaia.”
—Bobbi Hunter, Greenpeace co-founder and editor/contributor of Mr. Mindbomb: A Life in Stories
“In Voices for the Islands, Sheila Harrington takes readers on a delightful sailing journey through the Salish Sea. As Harrington visits each jewel on the long necklace of Gulf Islands, detailing their rich conservation history, she shines a light on the passionate residents who have dedicated so much of their lives to protecting nature in doggedly creative ways. Voices for the Islands unflinchingly documents the mounting threats facing the islands in the Salish Sea and describes on-going efforts at reconciliation with First Nations, the original stewards of the waters and land. In these troubling times of climate change and biodiversity loss, Harrington’s book is an uplifting testament to how individuals and communities working together to protect what they cherish can make an incalculable difference.”
—Sarah Cox, author of Signs of Life and Breaching the Peace
“The interconnected islands of the Salish Sea present wonderful diversity—from arbutus groves to intertidal ecosystems, camas meadows, and vital wetlands. But these delicate zones are threatened by biodiversity loss, land clearing, and climate change. As a fellow island dweller invested in conservation, I appreciated learning more about the differences between reserves, conservancies, covenants, and parks, as well as how the Islands Trust movement began. Sheila Harrington reminds us that islands are a construct and draws our attention to the waterways and desire trails that connect these jewels. Reading about the many individuals and groups working to preserve these lands helps me feel a little less alone, the distances easier to cross.”
—Amanda Lewis, author of Tracking Giants: Big Trees, Tiny Triumphs, and Misadventures in the Forest
“A beautifully crafted, comprehensive tour of these iconic, fragile islands, seen through the eyes and hearts of those who tend them. Indigenous and Settler. Through colourful photos, and conversations with colourful locals, Sheila Harrington shows us restoration is possible.”
—Pauline le Bel, author of Whale in the Door: A Community Unites to Protect BC’s Howe Sound
“Voices for the Islands will be an important contribution to understanding how conservation has and will happen on the Salish Sea Islands.”
—Duane West, former superintendent of Parks Canada, former director of Gabriola Lands and Trails Trust, and current director of Lasqueti Island Nature Conservancy
Page Count:
Publication Date:
Jul 09, 2024
Width: 7.50 in
Height: 10.00 in
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