Paula Varnell
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<strong>Jaad Tl’aaw, Paula Varnell</strong> belongs to an unbroken line of Haida weavers and language speakers. She is the owner of The House of Haida Weavers, the Program Coordinator for the Skidegate Haida Language Nest, a member of the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program, and an apprentice in the Skidegate Haida Mentor Apprentice Program. Paula holds a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Northern British Columbia, with a two-year concentration in Haida language and culture. In the continuation of her great naanii, Ilst’ayaa, Selina Adams Peratrovich’s legacy, she provides traditional Haida weaving and harvesting immersion experiences on Haida Gwaii with her naanii, Ilskyalas, Delores Churchill and mother, X̱iihliiḵingang, April Churchill.

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